Pursuing sustainable development from an environmental perspective means promoting economic growth while preserving and enhancing the natural resources on which the well-being of the community depends.
Sustainable Development
The strategic vision of the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority aims, with regard to environmental aspects, to increasingly enhance the compatibility between port development and environmental preservation.
This can be achieved through a balanced dialogue between development and integration with the lagoon ecosystem, with a strong connection to the reference territory where elements of attractiveness are linked to an innovative, digital system synchronized with lagoon protection systems. A port system that, despite its uniqueness, can fully grasp opportunities and contribute to the fight against climate change through the implementation of green initiatives to mitigate or, if possible, eliminate their impact on the lagoon environment.
A port system that, in collaboration with other scientific and research institutions in the region, systematically conducts knowledge studies of the lagoon ecosystem, monitoring its current state, ongoing changes, and potential effects resulting from port and anthropic activities. This is done with the aim of planning and evaluating infrastructure projects that contribute to port development as well as the reduction of environmental impacts, the protection of biodiversity, landscape preservation, and energy efficiency improvement, thus contributing to environmental transition.