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Venice Boat Show 2024

The North Adriatic Sea Port Authority – Ports of Venice and Chioggia has confirmed that it will attend the fifth edition of the Venice Boat Show (www.salonenautico.venezia.it) to be held from 29 May to 2 June. Once again, AdSP’s booth in the Arsenale’s Bacino di Mezzo del Carenaggio will resort to technological and innovative tools to provide visitors with an immersive tour of present-day events in the Ports of Venice and Chioggia and their historical and cultural connection with the sea. In this edition, the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority will also be present at a number of scheduled events. Fulvio Lino Di Blasio and Antonella Scardino, respectively the President and the Secretary General of AdSP MAS, have confirmed that they will attend the opening event on 29 May. On the morning of 30 May, the North Adriatic Sea Port System Authority will take part in the conference organised by Venice World Capital of Sustainability Foundation entitled ‘From protection to innovation: investments in infrastructure and sustainable revitalisation plans for Venice in the MOSE era’ to be held in Sala Squadratori.