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The North Adriatic Sea Port Authority (NASPA) has been established according to the legislative decree n. 169 of August 4 2016, that extended the previous competences of the Venice Port Authority to the Port of Chioggia.

The Functional Structure is based on five line units and one Staff unit


The strategic planning of the ports of Venice and Chioggia

Port Network Authorities governance

The North Adriatic Sea Port Authority has been established according to the legislative decree n. 169 of August 4 2016, that extended the previous competences of the Venice Port Authority to the Port of Chioggia. Indeed, the reform strengthened  the relations between the Port Network Authorities and the national Government.

The Ministry for Transport and Infrastructures plays therefore its role of direction and coordination with respect to all the Italian Port Network Authorities as a result of the reform, as to guarantee an overall congruence of the national port policy also by means of the National Coordination Committee, that means to balance strategic choices pertaining relevant infrastructural investments, urban development planning impacting the port area, implementing strategies of maritime concession policies besides marketing policies over international markets involving the whole port system.

The National Committee is chaired by the Minister for Transports and Infrastructures with the participation of the Presidents of the Port Network Authorities and 5 members appointed by the Unified Committee (including 3 regional Representatives, 1 Representative of the City and 1 Representative of the Municipalities).

At a local level the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority  consists of a set of bodies and organizational structures that guarantee its operation: the President, the Management Committee and the Board of Public Accountants.

Moreover, the General Secretariat  plays a role within the framework of the Port Network Authorities governance, consisting of the Secretary General and its executive department as the technical/operational secretariat) and the Sea Resource Partnership Body, this last representing a novelty introduced by the legislative decree n. 169/2016 and consisting of an Advisory Body with economic-social partnership functions over relevant topics for the Port Network Authorities (such as financial statements, port strategic plan, services carried out in the port area as tools that may have an impact on the Authority’s performances).

Advisory Commissions for the different ports included in the Port Network Authorities remain – the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority counts on the Venice Commission and the Chioggia Commission – and perform advisory functions over topics connected to the issue, the suspension and the revocation of authorizations and concessions and the organization of the port working, companies staff, labour start-up and workers professional training.

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