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Venice, 27 January – The story of the sustainable future of the Veneto Region’s ports told through the projects involving the local territory and the challenges facing the entire community, without disregarding the international scenario, the transport sector and their historical and cultural context: this is the common thread guiding the meeting jointly organised by the Northern Adriatic Sea Port System Authority and cultural institution Ateneo Veneto, to be held tomorrow afternoon in the latter’s Aula Magna. ‘The Veneto Port System tells its story’ is the title of the event that has been organised together with the Association of Architects, Landscape Architects, Restorers, Planners and the Order of Engineers of the Metropolitan City of Venice. It is part of a series of meeting organised under the ‘Ateneo for the City’ initiative organised by Ateneo Veneto for some time now, to address and discuss main issues concerning the present and the future of the city, and to disseminate information beyond a narrow circle of experts.

‘The partnership developed together with Ateneo Veneto and the professional associations of engineers and architects,’ stated Fulvio Lino Di Blasio, President of the Port Authority of Venice and Chioggia, ’allows us to exploit the contribution of experts and professionals to address the most pressing issues affecting the ports of today and tomorrow. For us it is crucial to welcome the contributions of experts, but above all it is essential to open up these fora that discuss the changes awaiting our system and our port community to everyone: citizens, students and enthusiasts’.

The event will take place tomorrow, Tuesday 28 January, at 5.30 p.m., and will start with the opening words by Antonella Magaraggia, President of Ateneo Veneto and of the Venice Maritime Directorate, Roberto Beraldo, President of the Venice Association of Architects, Landscape Architects, Restorers and Planners, and Piero Pedrocco, Coordinator of the Territorial Committee of the Order of Engineers of the Metropolitan City. This will be followed by an interview to Fulvio Lino Di Blasio, President of AdSPMAS who will outline the sustainable future of the port system in a chat with two representatives of the two professional orders.

Tomorrow’s will not be the only meeting that Ateneo Veneto will dedicate to port-related issues: during its academic year, there will be other opportunities for in-depth studies, also from a historical standpoint. The events will start in March as part of the cycle on ‘Geopolitics of the Adriatic’ organised by Carlo Rubini, Professor of Geography, and Federico Moro, Historian of the Modern Age specialising in the geopolitics of the Venetian Republic and a member of the Ateneo Veneto: discussions will focus on the future of Venice considering the lessons provided by history. The cycle begins on 6 March – again from 5. 30 to 7 p.m. – with the meeting ‘The Shortest Route to the Heart of Europe: From the Greeks to the Romans, the Amber Road and the Danube Frontier’ featuring both Carlo Rubini and Federico Moro. The next event will be on 20 March and will focus on “The Gulf of Venice, the Orseolo Doctrine and Long-Range Trans-Mediterranean Routes Interconnected with the Silk Roads”: by setting the historical context for the reasons for Venice’s success as a great naval power and Empire of the Sea, Ing. Antonella Scardino, Secretary General of AdSP MAS, provide an overview of the assets that continue to place the Veneto’s port system at the centre of the European corridors and of the Mediterranean trade. On 27 March, Anna Carnielli, President of The International Propeller Club – Port of Venice, and Francesco Zampieri, Director of the course on Strategy of ISMM Venice, will discuss the topic ‘Italy between the East-West Divide of Adriatic and Tyrrhenian Interests: What Future for Venice and the Sea’, which will explore the trends between the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian Seas.

Another meeting will take place at the Ateneo Veneto on 30 April, from 5.30 p.m. to 7 p.m., to focus on the environmental sustainability of the Veneto Region’s port system. The President of AdSPMAS will once again take the floor to present new approaches and solutions adopted, flanked by experts from the Veneto Port Authority. The event is part of the institutional course on ‘Transport and Territory’, whose focus this year is the general theme ‘THE NEW FRONTIERS OF MOBILITY IN THE ECOLOGICAL TRANSITION’ and takes place in April 2025. The meetings are promoted and organised by Laura Facchinelli, Director of ‘Trasporti & Cultura’, a magazine on infrastructure architecture in the landscape, together with Prof. Michelangelo Savino and Ing. Giovanni Giacomello of the University of Padua’s Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering.

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