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Ports of Venice and Chioggia: the management committee sets the maximum number of authorizations for port activities and services in 2024

The Management Committee of the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority met yesterday afternoon to discuss and approve, among other agenda items, the maximum number of authorizations to be issued for the year 2024 concerning port activities to be performed  by companies and other providers of port services complementary and ancillary to port operations in the ports of Venice and Chioggia.

In addition to AdSPMAS President Fulvio Lino Di Blasio and Secretary General Antonella Scardino, the meeting of the Port Authority’s governing body was attended by the Maritime Director of the Veneto Region and Venice Harbour Master Filippo Marini, the Commander of Chioggia Alessio Palmisano, the representative of the Metropolitan City of Venice  Giuseppe Roberto Chiaia, the representative of the Veneto Region Maria Rosaria Anna Campitelli and the members of the Board of Auditors.

In Venice, there will be 9 contractors authorised to operate on behalf of third parties, with no changes compared to 2023. Instead, no maximum number of authorisations for own-account companies was set because they handle their own or their group’s goods, typically on areas they own. There will be  maximum three companies authorized to operate without concession, unchanged since 2020. With regard to port services, the Committee confirmed the number of service providers set in 2023, as it saw no objective reasons to reduce or increase it. Like Venice, Chioggia will have no maximum number of own-account concessionaries, while authorized contractors working on behalf of third parties go from 3 to 2. The maximum number of companies providing port services remains unchanged compared to 2023.

The Committee has also granted a multi-year concession to ITS Marco Polo which provides post-secondary non-tertiary education and aims to establish the Academy of Logistics and the Sea, an institute that will bring together the educational offer of the port’s training centre CFLI, Venice Maritime School VeMars and ITS Marco Polo itself. The Academy will be  fitted with suitable equipment to train new professionals.

Finally, various state concessions for activities in port areas were granted to Enel Produzione Spa, Acciaierie d’Italia Spa and Colacem Spa.

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