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Commenting the refinancing of tax credit instruments for the Venice and Rovigo Simplified Logistics Zone, President Di Blasio states: “It is a great opportunity for the regeneration of the port and to attract investors”

Venice, 08 May 2024 – “We are very satisfied to see that the tax credit for new and existing companies investing in the areas of our Simplified Logistics Zone in the Veneto region provided for by the new Cohesion Decree Law has been refinanced also for 2024,” says AdSPMAS President Fulvio Lino Di Blasio.
As specified in Article 13 of the Decree Law with provisions on Simplified Logistics Zones, this important measure makes available 80 million Euros to companies for investments made by next November. This is an important cog in the facilities mechanism for the Venice and Rovigo Simplified Logistics Zone, alongside administrative simplification tools (including the reduction by one third of the time required to obtain environmental, landscape, building, and state property permits), exemption from VAT for goods imported from non-EU countries, favourable credit conditions and additional resources to support investments.
We are finally reaping the fruits of the hard work made with the relevant ministries in close cooperation with the Region, Confindustria (Confederation of Industrialists) and the municipalities in the area of interest,” adds President Di Blasio. “To get the Simplified Logistics Zone up and running, we will now have to wait for the relevant decree on tax credits, and the decree appointing the steering committee that will complete the area’s management structure. AdSP is ready to go ahead.”.
The Simplified Logistics Zone, 2,000 hectares of which are included within the port’s perimeter, is a major regeneration opportunity, particularly for the port areas of Porto Marghera. It will also give new life to the Port of Chioggia thanks to the enhancement of the river-maritime connection with the Po Valley hinterland. Confindustria has estimated that over the next ten years the Simplified Logistics Zone could attract investments worth more than 2.4 billion Euros, promoting the creation 170 thousand new jobs. The establishment of new companies or reinforcing already established companies will also allow both the direct and indirect growth of trade traffic, to the general benefit of the lagoon ports’ economy. For this reason, the promotion of the Simplified Logistics Zone is one of the strategic actions in the port’s three-year operational plan, which envisages infrastructural improvements and nautical accessibility measures precisely to facilitate the settlement of new businesses.”.
