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Ports of Venice and Chioggia: approval of second list of forecast budget variations for 2023 and forecast budget for 2024

The second list of variations to the Forecast Budget 2023 and Forecast Budget 2024 was unanimously approved during the meeting of the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority Management Committee held on October 30.

Along with President Fulvio Lino Di Blasio and Secretary General Antonella Scardino, attending the meeting of the governing body of the Authority were the Maritime Director of Veneto – Port Captaincy of Venice, Filippo Marini; Chioggia Commander Alessio Palmisano; Giuseppe Roberto Chiaia representing the Metropolitan City of Venice; Maria Rosaria Anna Campitelli representing the Veneto Region; and the members of the Board of Auditors.

The second variation to the Forecast Budget 2023 maintains the expected administration result as of 31/12/2023 at € 23,923,936, already indicated in the budget adjustment and the first list of variations to the Forecast Budget 2023, inserting only an expense item of 7 million for functional adaptation and safety measures of Via dell’Elettricità, concurrently with its corresponding funding. Additionally, there is a change in the composition of the administration surplus, with the tied portion standing at a value of € 19,175,398 compared to the € 21,211,086 anticipated in the first variation.

Furthermore, the Committee approved the Forecast Budget for the year 2024, projecting an administration result of € 23,980,570, with a current portion result of € 18,460,065 and an economic result of € 4,639,065. The value of capital income for 2024, lower than the 2023 figure, refers to the funding from the State and the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) allocated to the Authority for this fiscal year. Regarding the expenses on works and excavations planned in 2024, resources will be utilized, among various interventions, prioritizing adaptation and diaphragm works at the Salt Wharf, port canal dredging and sludge disposal, photovoltaic system installation in the Port of Venice, and enhancement of port area lighting systems.

Additionally, the Management Committee has expressed a positive opinion regarding the provision of contributions in the form of reduction of demesne canons related to the year 2021 pandemic emergency for COVID-19, in line with the provisions of the so-called “Relaunch Decree”; the adoption of the new Regulation for the discipline of port operations; the granting of a temporary concession to the company Veneta Cementi and other sub-quadrennial demesne concessions.

President Fulvio Lino Di Blasio states: “The Management Committee has certified that the Authority’s accounts are in order and in good health, allowing the Entity to plan interventions and investments for the improvement of the efficiency of the ports of Venice and Chioggia. An efficient and timely administrative management of the available resources that will allow us to achieve the many goals set for the immediate future, including the long-awaited works to improve the nautical accessibility of our docks, the start of works for the construction of the container terminal in the Montesyndial area, and the planned operations for the reorganization of cruise flows, according to the timetable assigned to the dedicated commissioner structure.

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