Traffic in the port area

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The North Adriatic Sea Port Authority regulates traffic within the roads and areas that serve port activities

How to Request Authorization to Circulate in Operational Port Areas

Specifically, ordinances n. 147/2002, n. 253/2007, and n. 391/2014 regulate circulation within the port area by identifying roads and areas exclusively for operational use and roads open to public use.

To circulate in operational port areas (see the map) with:

  • Exceptional loads: The company responsible for transportation (or the shipper representing it) and the port company (terminal) to which it is destined must communicate the transport by completing a form in all its parts to be submitted to the Private Security Guard stationed at the chosen access point (Via del Commercio gate or Via dell’Azoto gate).
  • Operational machinery/trailers with loads not authorized to circulate on public roads: The company responsible for transportation (or the representative) and the port company (terminal) to which the transport is destined must complete a form in all its parts to be sent via certified email (PEC) to the AdSP at the address [email protected], with a copy to the email address [email protected].


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