The authorization for the exercise of self-produced port operations is issued by the Port Authority to interested parties according to Article 8 of Ministerial Decree No. 585/95.
Maritime carriers, shipping companies, or charterers may be authorized to carry out operations under a self-production regime when it is not possible to meet the demand for port operations through companies authorized under paragraph 3 of Article 16 of the Law, or through the use of a company or agency for the supply of temporary port labor, as respectively provided in paragraphs 2 and 5 of Article 17 of the Law.
For the issuance of authorization to exercise port operations in self-production, the authorized entities (maritime carriers, shipping companies, charterers) are required to submit a request to the Port Authority at least 7 days before the expected arrival of the ship, attaching the documentation listed in Annex 3 of the Regulation.
The issuance of authorization is subject to the payment by the applicant of a fee determined by a first variable part correlated to the use of port infrastructures and a second variable part related to the duration of mooring and the type of goods to be handled (as per Ord. APV No. 203/2005 and subsequent updates).
Normative requirements
Regulation of port operations referred to in art. 16 Law n. 84/94 – Ports of Venice and Chioggia
– Download here the Ordinance no. 100 del 03/11/2023