Companies providing temporary work pursuant to art. 17 L. 84/94
Port of Venice
The Nuova Compagnia Lavoratori Portuali di Venezia is a cooperative company authorized pursuant to art. 17, paragraph 2, of Law no. 84/1994 to exclusively supply qualified labor to the port companies referred to in the articles. 16 and 18 of Law no. 84/1994 and subsequent amendments, for carrying out operations and port services in the port of Venice.
The company is certified UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 (Quality management systems) and OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational Health and Safety management systems) by DNV Business Assurance.
Port of Chioggia
Serviport S.c.a.r.l. is a cooperative company authorized pursuant to art. 17, paragraph 2, of Law no. 84/1994 to exclusively supply qualified manpower to port companies to port companies referred to in articles. 16 and 18 of Law no. 84/1994 and subsequent amendments, for carrying out operations and port services in the port of Chioggia.