Companions, tour guides, and passenger terminal staff

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Responsible Institution

Port Operational Coordination Directorate

Online Instances

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To work in the port as a tour leader, tour guide or passenger terminal worker you need:

  1. 1. register in the registers kept by the Port Authority and obtain the port access card;
  2. receive assignments from companies that provide services to passengers on behalf of ships, registered in the register kept by the Port Authority pursuant to art. 68 of the Navigation Code (view the updated list of registered companies).

The companions and tour guide services in the port consist of:

  • tour leader: welcome and accompany passengers, providing them with assistance by knowing the language and providing information on the places;
  • – tourist guide: accompany passengers on visits to notable places, museums, galleries, illustrating their historical, artistic, landscape and natural attractions.

These services can only be carried out by those who are already in possession of a personal license issued by the region, province, municipality (or another state of the European Union, if combined with an act of recognition by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and the Italian tourism).

Ordinance 408/2015 (registration in the register of companions – tourist guides)

Passenger assistance services in the port area consist of:

  • general assistance with disembarkation/embarkation of passengers;
  • check-in and baggage acceptance procedures;
  • protection of the piers used for excursions by cruise passengers;
  • information desk (Hospitality Desk).

These services can be performed by anyone.

Ordinance 407/2015 (registration in the register of terminal workers)

How to sign up

Registration in the registers of companion-guide and terminal attendant is done via the internet and is valid until 31 December of each year. The following requirements are necessary:

  • age of majority and high school diploma;
  • absence of criminal convictions;
  • for non-EU citizens: valid residence permit;
  • for companions and guides: personal license to practice the profession of tour leader and/or tourist guide issued by the region, province or municipality.

After completing the online procedure, to complete the registration, it is mandatory to participate in a training meeting on safety and security in the port, at the end of which you will collect the port access card.

How to renew your membership

Registration in the registers must be renewed every year by March 31st.

After completing the renewal procedure, simply go to the Port System Authority to collect the port access card.

From 1 April you will have to proceed with a new registration (if you have been registered in the register in one of the previous five years you may be exempt from participating in the training meeting).


The following amounts, which include the issuing of the port access card, must be paid to the Port Authority as a fixed secretarial fee:

  • Registration and training meeting: €50.00 + 1 tax stamp of €16.00
  • Registration renewal: €20.00 + 1 tax stamp of €16.00

The payment methods are indicated in detail in the files with the registration/renewal instructions above. (Ordinance 49/2020)


Competent area: Area Lavoro e Coordinamento Operativo Portuale
Telephone: 041.5334227 – 4295
E-mail: [email protected]

Reserved VTP parking
For information regarding parking reserved for companions, tourist guides and registered staff, contact Venezia Terminal Passeggeri. Companies that carry out storage and goods handling activities in private and/or state-owned areas

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