The concessionary port company (i.e. the “port terminal operator”) carries out, organizes and directly manages, by virtue of the ownership of a state maritime concession of maritime areas and docks, all the port operations and services relating to the port operations cycle.
The following concessionaires operate in the port of Venice:
Third party terminal:
Terminal Intermodale Venezia TIV
Multi Service
Interporto Rivers Venezia
Euroports terminal Rinfuse Venezia - TRV
PSA Venice - Vecon
Venice Ro-Port Mos
Own account terminal:
Acciaierie d'Italia
Alcoa Trasformazioni
Carbones Italia
Cereal Docks Marghera
Enel Produzione Fusina
Grandi Molini Italiani
Pilkington Italia
Veneta cementi
The following concessionaires operate in the port of Chioggia:
Third party terminal:
Impreport Coop.
Terminal conto proprio:
Holcim (Italia)
Normative requirements
– Download here the legge 84 del 1994 e ss. mm. ii.
Regulation containing the rules for the issuing, suspension and revocation of authorizations for the exercise of port activities.
– Download here theMinisterial Decree n. 585/1995
Authorization for companies to carry out port activities on their own behalf or on behalf of third parties
– Download Ordinance no. here. 73 of 1999
Authorization to carry out port activities by industrial companies already enjoying functional autonomy. Transitional exemption for industrial companies in the steel and metallurgical sectors.
– Download Ordinance no. here. 74 of 1999