A non-concessionaire port company on behalf of third parties is defined as the entity which, equipped with an instrumental complex of men and means of which it assumes the management and responsibility, carries out, through a procurement contract, port operations of loading, unloading and movement of goods in general. and any other material on behalf of third parties (shippers, shippers, receivers), and is not the holder of a state concession issued pursuant to art. 18 of Law 84/94 and subsequent amendments.
The company that intends to carry out port operations on behalf of third parties of loading, disembarking and general handling of goods must obtain authorization from the Port Authority and be registered in a special register kept by the same.
The Ordinance that determines the maximum numbers of non-licensed port companies for disembarkation/embarkation and handling on behalf of third parties for the year 2022 is n. 67/2021.
With reference to the art. 18, paragraph 7 of Law 84/1994 which provides for the possibility, upon reasoned request of the concessionaire company, to authorize the assignment to other non-concessionaire port companies, the ordinance which regulates the selection of non-concessionaire port companies for the two-year period 2022-2023 is the no. 74/2021.
The following non-concessionaire companies have been authorized in the Port of Venice:
S.I.R.A.I. s.r.l.
Ve.Port s.r.l.
SPIV s.r.l.
Normative requirements
– Download here the maximum rates and authorized sectors per company
Regulation for the regulation of port operations referred to in art. 16 Law n. 84/94 – Ports of Venice and Chioggia.
– Download here Ordinance no. 100/2023
Determination of the maximum number of authorizations for the exercise of port operations by companies
– Download here Ordinance no. 67/2021
Authorization to carry out port operations on behalf of third parties by non-concessionaire port companies.
– Download here Ordinance no. 74/2021
Organizzazione del settore del lavoro portuale nel porto di Venezia: definizione, anche ai fini della sicurezza, dei segmenti di operazioni portuali appaltabili e dei servizi specialistici, complementari e accessori al ciclo delle operazioni portuali, da rendersi ai soggetti autorizzati ai sensi degli artt. 16 e 18 della legge 84/1994.
– Download here Ordinance no. 347/2011 LINK NON FUNZIONANTE
– Download here law 84 of 1994 et seq. mm. ii.
Regulation containing the rules for the issuing, suspension and revocation of authorizations for the exercise of port activities.
– Download here the Ministerial Decree n. 585/1995