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Remember Final Conference

The North Adriatic Sea Port Authority (AdSP MAS), as partner of the European project “REMEMBER-REstoring the MEmory of Adriatic ports sites. Maritime culture to foster Balanced tERritorial growth” financed by the Italy-Croatia European cooperation programme, will be taking part in its final conference, scheduled for 23 and 24 June in Ancona.

The event, organised by the Central Adriatic Sea Port Authority, as Project Coordinator, is aimed at encouraging a review of the project outcomes as well as of the prospects of the cultural network established among the eight Adriatic port cities involved in the project in order to promote a more qualified and sustainable form of tourism.

The presence of all project partners will also allow for an in-depth discussion of more technical aspects by the steering committee, with each port presenting its views in this regard. In this respect, AdSP MAS will outline the “Museo virtuale dei Porti di Venezia e Chioggia” (Virtual museum of the ports of Venice and Chioggia) multimedia app, which is part of the broader sustainability strategy of AdSP MAS, which, in addition to developing communication and promotion instruments and actions to be applied in more traditional contexts, is committed to finding innovative solutions also for use online, with a view to making the knowledge of the ports located in the Veneto region “accessible” to everyone as well as to encouraging alternative tourism routes to promote knowledge of less popular aspects and places of the port cities.


The ADRIJO platform, which has been online since the beginning of June, is one of the outcomes of the European project “REMEMBER-REstoring the MEmory of Adriatic ports sites. Maritime culture to foster Balanced tERritorial growth” financed by the Italy-Croatia European cooperation programme.

The platform has been set up by the network of eight port cities on both sides of the Adriatic Sea – Venice, Ancona, Trieste, Ravenna, Rijeka, Zara, Dubrovnik, Split – with a view to enhancing and promoting their shared maritime-port cultural heritage and the underlying distinctive values.

Adrijo, a “sandwich-word” compounding ADRIATICO in Italian and JADRANSKO in Croatian, tells of a sea joining the two shores, where peoples and nations, languages, cultures and knowledge meet and coexist.

On the digital platform, the ports of Venice and Chioggia outline the development of their relationship with the sea, where trade and industry have always lived symbiotically with the port system in the Veneto region: from the ancient maritime tradition of the Chioggia port to the art of shipbuilding at the Arsenale, also covering nineteenth-century port developments and an overview of the current dynamism of the Marghera port.

Adrijo allows for embarking on an immersive browsing experience in the past, through three VIRTUAL TOURS, where the visitor is guided on a discovery route of the history of naval art and fishery tradition in the Lagoon, through a visit to three pivotal sites of the maritime-port culture in the Veneto region: the Vessel Hall at the Naval Historical Museum, the Museum of the Southern Lagoon in Chioggia and the exhibition «Fishery in Lagoon» at the Fondazione Musei Civici in Venice – Giancarlo Ligabue Natural History Museum.

These tours have been developed thanks to an inter-institutional partnership and very close synergy with the Italian Navy, the Fondazione Musei Civici in Venice and the Museum of the Southern Lagoon in Chioggia. https://www.adrijo.eu/it/port/venezia/museo-virtuale-venezia

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