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Webinar “From port city visions to strategies”

North Adriatic Sea Port Authority is speaking in the webinar “From Port City Visions to Strategies,” organized by AIVP – Association Internationale Villes et Ports on June 15, 2023, at 16:00.

The meeting, moderated by Architect Beatrice Moretti, is supported by the President of the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority, the President of the Port of Quebec, and the Vice-President of the AIVP Association, Mario Girards. The focus is on the planning instruments for creating a sustainable port-city relationship and stakeholder engagement in the development and implementation of these tools.

The webinar introduces the “Road to AIVP 2023,” an international event hosted by Veneto Port System on November 16-17. This event aims to delve into the themes of the port spirit and the citizens of maritime cities. It provides an opportunity to discuss the preservation and promotion of maritime-port culture and address the challenges of sustainable development.

NASPA has been a member of the Administration Council of the “Association Internationale Villes et Ports” since 2017 and has been collaborating with the association for over ten years. NASPA encourages the active role and dialogue of all stakeholders in port cities to plan their evolution together while respecting the needs and expectations of the local community, city institutions, port authorities, citizens, and economic operators.

Registration Link:https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_x5GXeeJpS1SfeiYaYdcNiw#/registration

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