Food and feed following passengers

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Responsible Institution
PIF – Posto di Ispezione Frontaliero

Imports following passengers, as well as small shipments to private individuals, are subject to the provisions of Regulation 09/209/EC.

This rule has the aim not only of safeguarding public health but also of protecting the community’s livestock heritage. Even limited quantities of food from infected animals, even if regularly slaughtered, can spread, among susceptible animal species, diseases that have been eradicated for years or against which the European Union is making great efforts to completely eradicate.

Importation of products of animal origin following passengers

Pursuant to the Ministerial Decree 10 March 2004, the Customs Authority carries out spot checks on baggage following passengers.

If unauthorized products are found, they will be seized and subsequently destroyed by the port and airport management body.

The PIF office, competent for the territory, can be contacted in case of doubt or where certain products meet the necessary requirements and the issuance of import authorization is required

The importation of food and feed of animal origin following passengers or as small shipments to private individuals is subject to the provisions of Regulation 09/209/EC.

Meat, meat products, milk and dairy products can only be introduced under the conditions established for commercial imports.

Other categories of products can be imported without any stock certificate or health formalities as long as they are in limited quantities. They understand:

Gutted fresh fish or processed fishery products (cooked, smoked, canned, etc.) within the maximum cumulative limit of 20 kg (or the weight of a single fish if greater than the limit). For caviar the maximum allowed limit is 125 grams,

other foods of animal origin up to the maximum allowed of 2kg (cumulative). In any case, it is advisable to contact the Health Authority in advance to find out about temporary limitations and/or limitations aimed at particular products.;

foods for infants, food preparations for children and special foods for medical purposes within a maximum limit of 2 kg provided that these products: - they are branded, packaged products; - can be stored at room temperature, - the packaging is intact or in use.

However, the following products are exempt from the aforementioned rule:

bread, cakes, biscuits, chocolate and confectionery products (including sweets) not mixed with or filled with meat products;

food supplements packaged for the final consumer;

meat extracts and concentrates;

olives stuffed with fish;

pasta and tagliatelle not combined with or stuffed with meat products;

broths for soups and flavorings packaged for the final consumer;

any other food product not containing fresh or processed meat or dairy products and containing less than 50% processed egg or fishery products.

The regulation allows the introduction of pet foods but only those intended for special medical purposes.

In this case, quantities of up to 2 kg per person are allowed, without any health formalities, provided that these products:

  • they are branded, packaged products;
  • can be stored at room temperature;
  • the packaging is intact or in use.

For more detailed information, please consult the pages dedicated to the topic by the European Commission. Click here.

As regards other products other than food and pet food for special medical purposes (for example, untanned hides, trophies), the health provisions envisaged for commercial imports apply.

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