Headquarters and Contacts
Dorsoduro, Zattere – 1416
30123 Venezia, VE
(on the first floor above the Port Authority premises)
Telephone: 06.59944836 – 041.5102377 (Contact Center)
Fax: 041.5102866
E-mail: [email protected]
PEC: [email protected]
Taxes and Payments
Taxes can be paid:
- by payment on PA pay
- By crediting to the postal current account: IT88 U076 0102 0000 0001 3131 305, payable to UFFICIO DI SANITÀ MARITTIMA USMA DORSODURO 1416 ZATTERE 30123 VENEZIA VE
For information on taxes to be paid, visit the Ministry of Health’s website
USMAF is a peripheral office of the Ministry of Health, primarily involved in cross-border health and international prophylaxis activities. It conducts preventive actions related to:
This activity pertains to goods that may pose health risks to people. It involves documentary, inspection, or analytical checks, and the subsequent issuance of the Health Clearance (Nulla Osta Sanitario or N.O.S.) or the Common Entry Document (D.C.E.). Types of goods subject to health checks include those intended for human consumption/use and generally any goods of health interest:
- Cosmetics
- Medical devices
- Pharmaceuticals
- Feathers and down
- Human tissues (import and export)
Since July 30, 2013, the Single Customs Desk (S.U.D.) has been active at the territorial unit in Venice, allowing for the electronic issuance of N.O.S./D.C.E. (formerly paragraph 4 – Article 4, formerly paragraph 3 – Article 5, D.P.C.M. No. 242/2010) through the integration of the Ministry of Health’s “NSIS-USMAF” application with the Customs Agency’s “AIDA servizi per l’interoperabilità.”
This activity is carried out on means of transport arriving at the relevant ports and airports and involves the issuance of the following certificates and technical opinions:
- Health clearance for all ships coming from non-EU ports
- Sanitization certificate and exemption from sanitization
- Certificate of suitability for potable water tanks and medical boxes for Italian ships
- Disinsection certificate for aircraft
- Technical-sanitary inspection of Italian-flagged ships
- Notification and registration of the DIA (Declaration of Commencement of Activity: replaces health authorizations related to catering and the supply of foodstuffs on board ships)
- Endorsement of the narcotics register on board
(citizens, international travelers, maritime personnel, etc.)
SASN clinics are Territorial Services for Health Care for Navigating, Maritime, and Civil Aviation Personnel. According to the provisions of Presidential Decree No. 620 of July 31, 1980, the Ministry of Health provides health care in Italy and abroad to maritime and civil aviation personnel.
According to Presidential Decree No. 620 of July 31, 1980, the Ministry of Health provides health care in Italy and abroad to maritime and civil aviation personnel:
- To seafarers: while at sea or on board (even on land for rest or compensatory rest periods) or waiting for embarkation (provided they have a contract at the disposal of the shipowner).
- To aviation personnel: during the employment relationship.
This assistance covers the entire period of illness contracted in the aforementioned situations. Medical-legal services are also provided to maritime and aviation personnel.
The Health Care Service for Navigators (SASN), a peripheral body of the Directorate General of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, performs numerous and varied activities in the field of health care for maritime, maritime, and civil aviation personnel through:
- SASN clinics located throughout the national territory.
- A network of accredited medical practitioners, contracted with the Ministry of Health, operating in areas where SASN clinics are not directly managed.
To benefit from the health care provided by SASN services, maritime personnel must belong to one of the categories indicated in Article 2 of Legislative Decree No. 620/80, which regulates health care for maritime, maritime, and civil aviation personnel.
The categories of beneficiaries are:
- Italian and foreign citizens and stateless persons who make up the crew of Italian merchant marine ships, boats, and floaters, as well as platforms or who are otherwise embarked on these means for their service.
- Italian, foreign, and stateless sailors who are waiting for embarkation in Italian territory for any of the jobs referred to in the previous paragraph, provided they are contractually at the disposal of the shipowner.
- Italian workers employed under contract on foreign-flagged ships, floaters, and platforms, where they do not receive health care from a foreign shipowner or foreign health services, or where the level of such benefits is clearly lower than that of the benefits provided under this decree.
- Workers in maritime fishing, self-employed or employed by Italian or foreign companies with their operational base in Italian territory, excluding those registered in the register referred to in Article 9 of Law No. 963 of July 14, 1965, who engage in local and close coastal fishing as referred to in Article 9 of Legislative Decree No. 1639 of October 2, 1968, on ships equipped with the permit for local, close, and coastal fishing referred to in Article 12 of Law No. 963 of July 14, 1965, and professional fishermen in inland waters holding a type A license under Article 1 of Law No. 433 of March 20, 1968.
- Flight crew members as per Article 732 of the Navigation Code, during the course of their employment relationship governed by collective agreements.
Presidential Decree No. 620 of July 31, 198
Regulation of health care for maritime and civil aviation personnel (Article 37, last paragraph, of Law No. 833 of 1978).
Ministerial Decree of February 22, 1984
Fixing the levels of health benefits and ancillary economic benefits for sickness, both during navigation and abroad, for maritime and civil aviation personnel by the Ministry of Health.
Circular of the Ministry of Health No. 1000.6.620.1.2870 of October 1, 1985
Procedures for providing health care to maritime and civil aviation;
AC Regulation – Regulation (EU) No. 1178/11 and Regulation (EU) No. 290/12 and related AMC and GM.
ENAC MED Circular – 01
Implementation of the regulation “health organization and medical suitability certifications for obtaining aeronautical licenses and certificates” (Edition 1 Revision 0 of December 21, 2012); EASA Part-MED of December 15, 2011; EASA Part-ORA of April 19, 2012; EASA Part-ARA of April 19, 2012.
Regulation “Health Organization and Medical Suitability Certifications for Obtaining Aeronautical Licenses and Certificates,” Edition 2 of February 24, 2014, and subsequent amendments.
Legislative Decree No. 71/2015
Implementation of Directive 35/2012/EU amending Directive 2008/106/EC on the minimum training requirements for seafarers.
Ministerial Decree of April 8, 2015
Identification of non-general-level management offices.