Impreport Coop.
Chioggia Terminal Crociere
Commercial Terminals
1. Carbones
2. Interporto Rivers Venezia
3. Multi Service
4. Transped
5. PSA Venice – Vecon
6. Euroports – Terminal Rinfuse Venezia
7. TIV – Terminal Intermodale Venezia
8. Decal
9. Venice Ro – Port Mos
B. Impreport Coop.
C. K – Logistica
Passengers Terminals
25. Venezia Terminal Passeggeri
E. Chioggia Terminal Crociere
Industrial Terminals
10. Fincantieri
11. SIMAR – Società Metalli Marghera
12. Grandi Molini Italiani
13. Cereal Docks
14. Idromacchine
15. Acciaierie d’Italia
16. Pilkington Italia
17. ENI
18. Veneta Cementi
19. Petroven
20. IES – Italiana Energia e Servizi
22. San Marco Petroli
23. Colacem
24. General Sistem
D. Holcim (Italia)
Port’s Operators list
In this section of the site you can find all the operators working in the Ports of Venice and Chioggia.
Venice Freight Forwarders Association
Via F. Fapanni, 37/6
Venezia Mestre (VE)
Tel. 041.950235
Fax. 041.5054287
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.assosped.it
Departmental Council of Customs Brokers
Corso del Popolo, 179
30172 Venezia (VE)
E-mail: [email protected]
In the ports of Venice and Chioggia, commercial and industrial terminals operate. They deal with the most diverse types of goods, from containers to liquid and solid bulk, to Ro-Ro/Ro-Pax, to general and project cargo.
The Port of Venice is the only one in Italy to have a river port.
The terminals directly carry out, organize and manage, by virtue of the ownership of a state-owned maritime concession of maritime areas and docks, the set of operations and port services pertaining to the cycle of port operations.
A non-concessionary port enterprise in third-party accounts is defined as the entity that, equipped with a complex set of personnel and equipment for which it assumes direction and responsibility, carries out port operations such as loading, unloading, and general movement of goods and any other materials on behalf of third parties (maritime carriers, shippers, recipients) through a subcontracting contract, and does not hold a public concession granted under Article 18 of Law 84/94 and subsequent amendments.
The enterprise intending to perform port operations on behalf of third parties, including embarkation, disembarkation, and general cargo handling, must obtain authorization from the Port System Authority and be registered in a special register maintained by the same.
In the Port of Venice, the following non-concessionary enterprises have been authorized:
- – S.I.R.A.I s.r.l.
- – VE.PORT s.r.l.
- – SPIV s.r.l.
The authorizations granted to non-concessionary enterprises under Article 16 of Law 84/1994, based on the Recovery Decree, later converted into law (Law 77/2020), have been extended until December 31, 2021.
On this page, you can find the list of authorized companies to provide specialized complementary and ancillary services to port operations in the ports of Venice and Chioggia in accordance with Article 16 of Law 84/94.
- – Authorised companies and services specialists 2023 Port of Venice
- – Authorised companies and services specialist courses 2023 Port of Chioggia
The authorizations granted to port service providers under Article 16 of Law 84/1994, based on the Recovery Decree, later converted into law (Law 77/2020), have been extended until December 31, 2021.
On this page, you can find the companies authorized to carry out port operations and services in accordance with Article 17, paragraph 2, of Law No. 84/1994.
New Company Port Workers of Venice Soc. Coop
Via del Commercio Fabbricato 362
30175 Marghera (VE)
VAT number: 03333850273
Administrative Office
Tel: 041.5385275
Fax: 041.928138
E-mail: [email protected]
Operations Office
Tel: 041.928464 – 041.929915
Fax: 041.2529547
E-mail: [email protected]
Serviport s.c.a.r.l
Val Ro/Ro Passenger Station from Rio
30175 Chioggia (VE)
Tel: 041.405897
Fax: 041 5509395
On this page, you will find the list of companies that provide services to ships, goods, and/or passengers within the ports of Venice and Chioggia.
These companies are subject to the supervision of the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority, in accordance with Article 68 of the Navigation Code, and they must be registered in the appropriate registry.
Article 14 of Law No. 84/94 identifies nautical services as services of general interest aimed at ensuring the safety of navigation and docking in ports.
Pilots board vessels to assist the captains of cargo and passenger ships entering and leaving the Ports of Venice and Chioggia during maneuvers, ensuring safe access and transit in the lagoon and the ports of Venice and Chioggia.
Pilots of the Port of Venice
Strada della Droma, 126
30126 Alberoni (VE)
Tel: 041.2207011
Fax: 041.731313
Email:[email protected]
Pilots of the Port of Chioggia and Porto Levante
Località Saloni, 43
30015 Chioggia (VE)
Tel: 041 5506661
Fax: 041 5506442
E-mail: [email protected]
Mooring Service
Mooring service involves the mooring, unooring, and handling of ships, barges, and floating structures in the harbor. It also provides assistance and rescute ships and recreational vessels in perilous conditions within the waters of the port and adjacent areas, including the retrieval of floating objects hazardous to navigation.
Mooring Service of the Port of Venice SCARL
Santa Marta – Fabbricato 16
30123 Venezia (VE)
Tel: 041.5223868
Fax: 041.5221447
E-mail: [email protected]
Mooring Service of the port of Chioggia
Fondamenta Canal Lombardo, 1424
30015 Chioggia (VE)
Tel: 041 5506662
Fax: 041 5506089
E-mail: [email protected]
PEC: [email protected]
Port towing ensures the safety of navigation in port waters and along the coasts. The service facilitates the maneuvers for docking and departing of ships arriving and departing from ports or other landing places.
Rimorchiatori Riuniti Panfido
Legal Office
Riva degli Schiavoni, 4164
30122 Venezia (VE)
Administrative Office
Via dell’Elettrotecnica, 10
30175 Marghera (VE)
Tel: 041.4586000
Fax: 041.4585997
E-mail: [email protected]
Operations Office
Via dell’Elettrotecnica, 10
30175 Marghera (VE)
Tel: 041.4586011
Fax: 041.4586013
E-mail: [email protected]
In the Ports of Venice and Chioggia, in addition to the Northern Adriatic Sea Port System Authority, there are other institutions at work.
The Harbor Master’s Office (Capitaneria di Porto) oversees maritime navigation and safety at sea. The Maritime, Air, and Railway Health Office (USMAF) conducts health and hygiene inspections on goods and handles other health-related procedures related to maritime activities.
Among the law enforcement agencies, the Guardia di Finanza (Financial Police) monitors compliance with financial regulations and is also responsible for security within the port area. The Border Police (Polizia di Frontiera) is involved in operations related to immigration dynamics and controls state borders.
The Customs Agency (Agenzia delle Dogane) monitors the entry and exit of goods and passengers.
- – Maritime Fuel Supplier Register (Updated 2019)