Energy Transition and DEASP

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Design and implementation of interventions for the energy efficiency of the port cluster.

One of the objectives defined in the Triennial Operational Plan (POT) 2022-2024 is a fundamental strategic goal focused on the energy transition of the port cluster. Starting from the assessment of the carbon footprint presented in the DEASP (Digital Energy and Environmental Sustainability Platform), this goal outlines the objectives, interventions, and monitoring measures to be implemented.

The full integration of the environmental component into the concept of sustainability is a key element in this objective.

The central point is the planning and implementation of initiatives (some of which are also funded under the PNRR – National Recovery and Resilience Plan) such as:

  • energy efficiency improvements
  • electrification of docks
  • electric mobility
  • and the promotion of LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) and hydrogen (Venice Hydrogen Valley).


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