Adaptation of the collection network and rainwater treatment plants Chioggia – Val da Rio

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Adeguamento rete di raccolta e impianti di trattamento acque meteoriche Chioggia – Val da Rio
Geographical Framework
Adeguamento rete di raccolta e impianti di trattamento acque meteoriche Chioggia – Val da Rio


Adaptation of the rainwater collection network and the Val da Rio plants, following the authorization of the project in question by the competent bodies (PIOP and Veritas)


The cost of the work amounts to €7.5 million, of which €2.7 million financed by NASPA Funds and €4.8 million financed by the Fund pursuant to art. 18 bis law 84/94


Obtaining the new authorization for the discharge of rainwater from the 1st and 2nd rain, and to improve the treatment of rainwater before discharge,


Passing of the provisional authorization phase for the discharge of 1st and 2nd rain water;

improvement of the system in order to reduce management costs related to cleaning the collection system;

rationalization of the plant for the purpose of delivery of the authorization title and management of portions of the plant to the various concessionaires;

reduction of management costs for the NASPA.

Work Plan

Residual duration: 21 months
Step 1
Step 2
Tender (4 months)

November 2023
Notice Publication

Step 3
Execution of Works (15 months)

March 2024
Start of Works

June 2025

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