Margination of the South Industrial Canal section, southern bank, overlooking the Vesta / Ecoprogetto area

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Marginamento tratto di Canale Industriale Sud, sponda Sud, prospicente area Vesta / Ecoprogetto
Geographical Framework
Progetto Marginamento tratto di Canale Industriale Sud, sponda Sud, prospicente area Vesta / Ecoprogetto


The project is part of Sheet No. 6 of the Program Agreement for safety interventions of the Site of National Interest for Venice – Porto Marghera, approved with DGR 286/2020.


The cost of the work amounts to €6.7 million financed by FSC MITE funds


The project aims to structurally adapt the quay, adapt the quay plan and furnishings, create a water collection network and a perimeter boundary for environmental purposes.


Avoid contamination of the lagoon by groundwater and surface runoff from the yards;

Allow more efficient docking and handling at the pier;

Ensure the safety of the stability of the dock;

Work Plan

Residual Duration: 12 months
Step 1
Step 2

November 2023
Notice Publication

Step 3
Execution of Works (15 months)

May 2023
Start of Work

from September 2026

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