Functional adaptation and safety of Via dell’Elettricità from Via Ghega to the junction with A 57 connection

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Geographical Framework


The project involves the redevelopment and adaptation of the existing road network on Via dell’Elettricità, including the reconstruction from scratch of all existing underground services. The railway axis will also be strengthened to allow direct connections between Marghera, Mestre and Fusina.


The cost of the work amounts to €19 million, of which €12 million financed by ADP MISE funds and €7 million financed by the Complementary Fund (PNRR)


Promote the reconversion and economic redevelopment of the industrial area of ​​Porto Marghera, supporting the request to strengthen the interchange of goods, in parallel with the strengthening of road infrastructures and the reorganization of underground services

Finanziato dall’Unione europea – Next Generation EU – Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) – MISSIONE 2 COMPONENTE 1 (M2C1) – Investimento 2.1 – Sviluppo logistica per i settori agroalimentare, pesca e acquacoltura, silvicoltura, floricoltura e vivaismo


Functional adaptation of existing roads;

A reduction in air pollution caused by the parking of vehicles;

A better rail connection between the main freight ports in the port area.

Work Plan

Residual duration: 28 months
Step 1

The executive project is under approval

Step 2
Tender (3 months)

November 2023
Notice Publication

Step 3
Execution of works (28 months)
March 2023 Start of Work

May 2026

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