Rail and road adaptation of the Via della Chimica junction in Porto Marghera

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Adeguamento Ferroviario e Stradale del Nodo di Via della Chimica a Porto Marghera
Geographical Framework
Adeguamento Ferroviario e Stradale del Nodo di Via della Chimica a Porto Marghera


The project originates from the need to double the railway track serving Fusina, eliminating the current constraint related to the presence of two existing level crossings along Via della Chimica, in the section connecting to the new SP24. This will alleviate traffic at the roundabout between Via della Chimica and Via della Meccanica and facilitate the connection between the Via Romea and the Fusina terminal.


The cost of the work amounts to €14.4 million entirely financed by the Complementary Fund (PNRR) and Fondo Opere Indifferibili


Reduction of interference between the road and the port railway network by improving the safety of traffic in general (road, railway and cycle-pedestrian) and increasing road and railway capacity also in relation to the new Montesyndial Terminal and the terminals located south of the Port.


The doubling of the track as well as the reduction of the number of interferences in the road and railway system will allow:

the reduction of transit times;

greater safety and therefore a reduction in general transport costs;

an overall environmental benefit in terms of reduction in emissions and accidents.

Work Plan

Step 1
Investigations + Planning

March 2023
Notice Publication

Step 2
Tender (5 months)

October 2023
Contract Awarding

Step 3
Work Execution (21 months)

March 2024
Start of Work

March 2026

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