At the edge of the Adriatic Sea.
At the intersection of the main European transport corridors.
Hub of the Motorways of the Sea.
Funding Opportunities
The North Adriatic Sea Port Authority (NASPA), in planning its development objectives for the ports of Venice and Chioggia, the territory, and the port community, has its own office dedicated to the study, development, application, and finalization of multiple funding opportunities offered by European Programmes. Furthermore, projects that interface with ministerial activities at the national level and with regional authorities and local entities are also dealt with. For example, the collaboration among the different departments of the Authority for the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) projects should be highlighted. The implementation of these projects managed by the Directorate of Strategic Planning and Development has positive impacts not only for the Authority but also for the entire port community, the Municipality of Venice, and the Veneto Region. Indeed the port of Venice should be considered as the port of the whole Veneto territory.
The funded projects allow for the development and strengthening of strategic relationships with national and European entities, institutions, and other port realities, enabling the ports of Venice and Chioggia to be part of a “European network” of excellence. The European Commission has officially recognized the port of Venice as a key player in the transport sector of the European Union, including it in the list of priority maritime ports of the trans-European transport network TEN-T, defined by EU Regulation 1315/2013 under revision and in the routes of the Baltic-Adriatic and Mediterranean priority corridors established by EU Regulation 2021/1153. The port of Chioggia is included in the list of secondary maritime and river ports of the TEN-T network.
These are significant financial resources to implement the strategic projects that the Authority has included in its Three-Year Operational Program (POT) and to increase the competitiveness, sustainability, and efficiency of the lagoon ports. The grants obtained enable both the implementation of infrastructure projects, such as the enhancement of railway and road connections and maritime accessibility, and the carrying out of activities, studies, and analyses in support of port development strategies, including the promotion of the use of alternative fuels (e.g., LNG, electrification of docks – cold ironing, hydrogen), energy efficiency (buildings, port operations, electric vehicles, new lighting systems), ICT solutions, and digitization.
In the previous programming period 2014-2020, the study and implementation of various projects allowed the Authority to successfully participate in 27 co-financed projects under the TEN-T programs, European Territorial Cooperation, Horizon 2020, obtaining European funds totaling over 36 million euros from 2014 to 2020. PNRR funds from the European Union finance projects related to energy efficiency and environmental sustainability (Green Ports) and infrastructure improvement to enhance, for example, agri-food logistics at the port.

Projects 2021-2027
The programming period 2021-2027 is currently underway. The funding opportunities will allow the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority to align with the strategies outlined by the European Commission and therefore to face the challenge of developing a port system more and more sustainable and innovative for the Veneto territory.
Projects 2014-2020

Completed projects

Projects followed by leaders

European funding managed
Projects 2007-2013

Completed projects

Projects followed by leaders