Alpine Space

European Territorial Cooperation


Logo Alpine Mobility Check - Progetto Alpine Space

Alpine Mobility Check – Step 2

Period: September 2009 – July 2012
Total project budget: € 2.391.948,00

The AlpCheck 2 projected aimed at creating a road Transport Decision Support System (TDSS) covering the whole Alpine area that supports public decision makers dealing with transport management and planning at different geographic scales (i.e. regional, national and international) by providing free on line access to a unique information system containing a vast set of data concerning both the present day situation and future scenarios as well: actual and simulated traffic data, air and noise pollution emissions from road vehicles, as well as their social costs and the amount of dangerous goods vehicles.

Additionally, innovative technologies, solutions and methodologies have been elaborated, tested and evaluated with the aim of providing a concrete added value to the Alpine Space Community in terms of improving connectivity, efficiency and sustainability of the Alpine transport system.

In this scenario, Venice Port Authority has developed an innovative methodology for evaluating modal shifts of freight traffic accessing sea ports along the north Adriatic arc between Italy and Slovenia.

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