European Territorial Cooperation


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GreenBerth Project

Period: 02/01/2013 – 30/06/2015
Project total budget: € 1.616.115,00

MED grant: € 1.063.286,25 (FESR)
IPA funding: € 190.400,00
Venice Port Authority Budget: € 194.000,00 di cui € 145.500,00 Finanziamento MED
Beneficiaries: Autorità Portuali di Valenza (Coordinatore), Marsiglia, Livorno, Venezia e Fiume, Luka Koper, Feport, CERT/HIT, Università di Cadice.

Greenberth aims to encourage these port operators to integrate SMEs in their strategic business development. The project aims to study in detail the improvement opportunities of energy efficiency and the use of technologies based on environmental-friendly energies to be implemented through the exchange of best practices and experiences of six reference Mediterranean ports. Port Authorities have a great influence over the companies which integrate the so called Port Communities and these entities need to continuously improve their processes and technologies to adapt their business models to the realities of the internal and external market.

For this reason, GREENBERTH proposes the participation of several agents in order to define strategic plans among port-logistic operators and energy efficiency SMEs.




Mediterranean Electronic Marine Highways Observatory

Period: Aprile 2009 – Marzo 2011
Project total budget: € 1.327.741,00

MEMO project promoted the sustainable growth of marine and coastal resources in the Mediterranean area, by integrating the environmental management with the maritime safety technologies (AIS and VTS), for the improvement of the maritime safety in the Mediterranean. In particular, MEMO developed a transnational initiative – the Mediterranean Electronic Marine Highway (MEMH) Observatory focused on mitigating maritime risks, improving maritime safety and promoting sustainable territorial development of marine and coastal resources.

A multi-sectorial approach has been pursued through the coordination of relevant actors in the field of maritime safety, such as Public Entities, Port Authorities, shipping industry and NGOs, each of them bringing distinct experience and knowledge for the realization of the project.

Venice Port Authority, in particular, developed a pilot project oriented to define a methodology for the formation of the convoys in order to rationalise the procedures of ship entering and exiting the port of Venice and, therefore, to improve the safety in ship traffic and the environmental performances of port and lagoon area.

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