European Territorial Cooperation


Improving Maritime Transport Efficiency and Safety in Adriatic

Intesa (Improving Maritime Transport Efficiency and Safety in Adriatic) is an European project coordinated by the Port of Venice and co-financed by the Interreg 2014-2020 Italy-Croatia Programme with a total budget of approximately € 2.9 million.

The project that involves the Italian Coast Guard Headquarters, the Ministries of Transport of Italy and Croatia, and the main ports on both sides of the Adriatic Sea, aims to increase the accessibility to the main Adriatic ports through the adoption of IT systems for the exchange of real-time data and navigation aids, such as tide  and weather forecasts, aiming to improve the efficiency of maritime transport, the safety of navigation and the harmonization of procedures in intra-Adriatic traffic.

The North Adriatic Sea Port Authority, ports of Venice and Chioggia, aims to improve, through a more effective communication system, the inbound and outbound traffic management in the port of Venice, thus implementing accessibility.

Promoting maritime and multimodal freight transport in the Adriatic Sea

PROMARES is a European project of the Italy-Croatia Interreg Program 2014-2020 which involves 10 partners with a total budget of approximately 2.7 million of euro.

The projects in promoted and coordinated by the Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea and invovles the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority (Ports of Venice and Chioggia), the Central and Southern Adriatic Sea Ports Authoritiy, Venice International University, Interporto di Trieste, Institute for Transport and Logistics, as well as the University of Rijeka and the Port Authorities of Split and Rijeka.

The objective of the projects is to define common strategies and develop joint actions among partners to improve intermodal transport in the Adriatic area. The first objective is to increase the efficiency of existing nodes, through capacity optimization and congestion reduction. Secondly the project will support the development of Short Sea Shipping and Motorways of the Sea.

What for the Port of Venice and Chioggia: the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority has a budget of around 230.000 euros. With these resources, an analysis on the needs for the improvement of intermodal connections will be carried out. This will prepare the implementation of a pilot action to optimize the current ICT system for railway manoeuvring in the port area.

What for the Port of Venice and Chioggia
The North Adriatic Sea Port Authority has a budget of around 230.000 euros. With these resources, an analysis on the needs for the improvement of intermodal connections will be carried out. This will prepare the implementation of a pilot action to optimize the current ICT system for railway manoeuvring in the port area.

Newsletter: july 2019 | january 2020 | july 2020 | january 2021 | july 2021

Logo Interreg Italia Croazia Charge
Capitalization and Harmonization of the Adriatic Region Gate of Europe

CHARGE aims to upgrade intermodal services on existing maritime links between the two shores of the Adriatic Sea to improve traffic flows efficiency and environmental sustainability and resolve critical bottlenecks.

The Port of Venice develops a market analysis to support Motorways of the Sea traffic and provides the port community with a free mobile application to monitor and manage the maritime traffic (app_navigation).

Project website:
Brochure: click here

Blue Enhancement Action for Technology Transfer

The main aim of the project is to strengthen innovation processes of main economic actors and cooperation levels between SMEs, cluster and research centres, universities operating in Italy and Croatia, as qualified segments of shipbuilding and maritime sectors of blue value chain.

By capitalizing the feasibility study implemented in the Blue Tech project approved under the Target call on Adriatic IPA cross-border cooperation 2007–2013, the partnership aims at creating a cross–border cluster in maritime and shipbuilding sectors including actors and SME’s in other sectors of blue sector chain.

Project website:

Sustainable Ports

Duration: 01/07/2020 – 31/12/2022
Total budget: about € 7,000,000
Involved countries: Italy and Croatia

SUSPORT (Sustainable Ports)  is a project co-funded under the European Cooperation Italy-Croatia Programme participated as a partner by the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority, ports of Venice and Chioggia with the main objective to enhance the sustainability and energy efficiency in port areas by mean of concrete actions.

Objectives and expected results
The North Adriatic Sea Port Authority, ports of Venice and Chioggia develops specific actions among which the purchase of two electric cars and further interventions for a better energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, according to the recently approved Environment and Energy Planning Scheme. Specifically it is foreseen the LED lighting system implementation in the port areas of S. Andrea and San Basilio, with a  Co2 emission saving of 125 ton every year.



Logo Remember - Interreg Italia Croazia
Restoring the Memory of Adriatic ports sites. Maritime culture to foster Balanced Territorial growth

Duration: 01/2019 – 06/2021
Total budget: € 2,813,460

Involved countries: Italy and Croatia

The project is led by the Central Adriatic Sea Port Authority (Port of Ancona) and involves the Port Authorities of North Adriatic Sea (Ports of Venice and Chioggia), Central North Adriatic Sea (Port of Ravenna), Eastern Adriatic Sea (Ports of Trieste and Monfalcone), the Polytechnic University of Marche Region, the Port Authorities of Zara and Dubrovnik, the National Museum of Zara and the Regional Development Agency of the Split-Dalmatia County.

REMEMBER aims to promote the maritime cultural heritage of Adriatic Sea, through the creation of a network of 8 virtual museums spread on the coastal area of both countries and by the means of a Memorandum of Understanding, signed by all partners, for the establishment of a permanent “Cultural Network of Adriatic Ports”.

The virtual museums will contribute to preserve and to increase the knowledge about the development of traditions, professions, arts and more generally the maritime culture of the Adriatic port-cities. Citizens and visitors will be able to access wide array of documentation, pictures, tales and monuments that are tangible proof of such a maritime heritage, with the support of multimedia instruments that will enable the users to upgrade the fruition with a virtual experience.

The role of North Adriatic Sea Port Authority (NASPA)
with a dedicated budget of 330.000 € NASPA is responsible for drafting the methodological guidelines to implement activities for the preservation of the cultural heritage – tangible and intangible assets – of Italian and Croatian Adriatic ports. This will be the first fundamental step for an effective promotion of the cultural and historical added-value of maritime port-cities heritage and improving their relationships with their connected neighbourhoods.

This objective is achieved through the collection and preservation of the memory of the social and economic evolution of the port-city relations and between the ports of the Italian and Croatian Adriatic shores, as well as through the enhancement of the common identity and traditions linked to common maritime culture. In addition, the Venetian port authority will be involved in the creation of a “virtual museum” (VM) related to the Venetian maritime and port-based culture, to be included in the cross-border permanent network of VM.

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