Port Educational

The Port Educational portal is an initiative created with the aim of introducing young people to the Ports of Venice and Chioggia while having fun.

When and how did the idea originate?

In 2020, with the onset of the health emergency, significant evolutionary processes in the realm of communication were accelerated dramatically. The need to communicate and convey content digitally and at a distance – already deeply rooted and continually growing – became urgent in every sphere, particularly within the educational context.

Even the traditional “Open Port” activities, which had been conducted in person for years, felt the effects of this social and communicative shift. This prompted the Port Authority (AdSP) to explore new modes of interaction with the community, either alongside or as alternatives to in-person activities such as guided tours, classroom lessons, and workshops.

From these considerations emerged the “Port Educational” project, aimed at providing the younger audience with a means of “access” to the Ports of Venice and Chioggia, allowing them to comprehend their operations and primary characteristics.

Why primary schools?

Reaching children, as opposed to older students, poses several challenges for various reasons. Firstly, the topic of “logistics and port activities” is not inherently appealing to younger children. Additionally, they require a simple and immediate language that can convey complex themes in a playful and enjoyable manner. Furthermore, especially in the aftermath of the pandemic, primary schools have established strict procedures for extracurricular activities.

However, the pandemic has also ushered in technological advancements, equipping schools with tools and expertise for remote learning, which has become an indispensable method for acquiring knowledge.

Yet, perhaps the most critical factor in selecting this audience is the open-minded and non-judgmental nature of children at this age. They exhibit significant curiosity about their surroundings, making them engaged, active, and receptive participants.

Faro de Faris: why a lighthouse is our mascot

In 2015, the “Open Port” activities took a significant step forward by adopting a coordinated image through the creation of a brand, a logo that represents all initiatives within the program. This brand was carefully designed to convey the key concepts of the “Open Port” policy. It features a lighthouse, an indisputable symbol of ports, which, with its beam of light, not only guides sailors but also reveals all the components of the logistics and maritime-port reality of the Venetian lagoon, highlighting its complexity. All of this is presented with a youthful and colorful graphic design.

With the inception of Port Educational, the desire to create a mascot led to the birth of Faro De Faris, literally “emerging” from the logo to accompany children on their journey of discovery through the ports and the world of logistics.

The "Port Educational" portal

The mascot, Faro De Faris, serves as the official guide of Port Educational, a web portal that embodies the culmination of all the aforementioned efforts. It contains educational nuggets tailored for young learners who, whether guided by an adult or not, can embark on a journey to discover the Ports of Venice and Chioggia, gaining insights into their evolution, functioning, and key elements.

To date, the portal features the section “Ports of Venice and Chioggia: Worlds to Explore,” which is divided into three chapters:

  • Explore and Learn About the Ports: an introductory video explaining what ports are and where they are located in the Venetian lagoon.
  • Ports of Venice and Chioggia in Constant Motion: an interactive tool that explores the history of the two ports over the centuries.
  • Hey, What Happens in a Port?: comprising three subsections that explain:
     – The different types of ports in Venice and Chioggia.
    – What can be found in a port (cargo, vehicles, warehouses, docks, etc.).
    – The professions associated with or performed within a port.

Additionally, work is underway to expand the portal with a second section where Faro De Faris will take center stage in new logistic and port adventures, broadening the range of inspiration and in-depth exploration opportunities.

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