European Territorial Cooperation
Cooperazione istituzionale transfrontaliera per il rafforzamento della security portuale
Il progetto SECNET intende rafforzare la capacità istituzionale dei porti dell’area del Programma in materia di security portuale con l’ausilio di innovativi sistemi ICT, fornendo delle competenze tecniche e specialistiche comuni a livello transfrontaliero.
I partner di SECNET elaboreranno un piano d’azione congiunto per il miglioramento della security portuale e, attraverso azioni pilota ne miglioreranno il livello, sia per quanto riguarda la difesa delle reti informatiche (cyber security) sia per la difesa perimetrale e delle aree portuali dall’accesso non autorizzato da parte di terzi.
Inoltre, SECNET creerà un network di cooperazione istituzionale permanente sulla security portuale, con l’istituzione di una governance transfrontaliera, composto dai partner di progetto e da altri soggetti competenti sottoscrivendo un Protocollo congiunto per l’attuazione della strategia transfrontaliera per la security portuale.
Cross-border institutional cooperation for the environmental sustainability and energy efficiency of ports
The North Adriatic Sea Port Authority – Ports of Venice and Chioggia – participates as a partner to the “CLEAN BERTH” project that aims to create a common model for environmental planning and the promotion of energy efficiency between all ports in the Italy-Slovenia cross-border area.
The project started in March 2020 is co-financed by the 2014-2020 Italy-Slovenia Cross-border Cooperation Program and has a duration of two years. In the role of leader is the Port System Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea (Port of Trieste) with the support of four other institutional partners: in addition to the Venetian Port Authority, there are also the Friuli Venezia-Giulia Region and in Slovenia, the Port of Koper and the University of Littoral.
The ports of Venice and Chioggia will promote some concrete and very significant activities at the local level to improve and make the management of environmental aspects more sustainable, today more than ever at the centre of attention at an international level. Specifically, a noise pollution monitoring campaign will also be conducted, also through the purchase and installation of noise detection control units in the port areas; this action will allow strategic management and control of port environmental noise.
In addition, interventions will be implemented to save energy and reduce consumption in common port spaces. The results of these interventions will be measured and evaluated in the medium term.
All the ports involved will sign a Memorandum of Understanding for the implementation of a cross-border strategy aimed at promoting common environmental sustainability objectives in the port area, applying sectoral common policies in the medium and long term. A significant benefit also for the territory and for the citizens who live near commercial ports.
The resources provided to the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority are approximately 181.000 euros co-financed entirely by the European Regional Development Fund and National funds.
Newsletter: n° 2 ITA | n° 2 ENG | n° 2 SLO | n° 3 ITA | n° 3 ENG | n° 3 SLO