MyPay electronic payments

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PagoPA is a payment system that enables standardized payments to the Public Administration through participating Payment Service Providers (PSPs).

The goal is to make payments to the Public Administration simpler, safer, and more transparent.

The PagoPA system was developed by the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID) in compliance with Article 5 of the Digital Administration Code and D.L. 179/2012.

For more information about the functionalities of PagoPA, please refer to the website and the AgID website.

What can I pay with PagoPA?


PagoPA allows you to make various types of payments to Public Administrations, as well as to entities such as publicly-owned companies, schools, universities, and local health authorities (ASL).

Currently, for the Northe Adriatic Sea Port Authority (NASPA), PagoPA is used for the following services:

How to Pay with PagoPA?

For the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority, you can make payments using PagoPA through the MyPay website (the Veneto Region’s portal).

Payments can also be made through bank channels and other Payment Service Providers (PSPs), such as:

  • at your bank’s branches
  • using your PSP’s online banking services
  • at your bank’s ATM terminals (if enabled)
  • at Sisal, Lottomatica, and other point-of-sale locations
  • at post offices

Depending on the service, PagoPA payments may or may not require a payment notice from NASPA.

With Payment Notice

If you have a payment notice (a payment request or debit note with a unique payment code), you can proceed with payment in the following ways:

  • at one of the authorized PSP locations (tobacconists, some bank ATMs, Sisal outlets, etc.);
  • online on the MyPay website. In this case, you can make the payment by entering the unique payment code, your tax code, and email;
  • for secretarial fees, by being automatically redirected to the Istanze Online portal.

Without Payment Notice

Without a payment notice, you can proceed directly with payment (spontaneous mode) through the MyPay website.

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